LOGR Deliveries


Introducing LOGR Deliveries

Elevate safety and efficiency at busy delivery sites with LOGR. By joining our multiparty network, these sites gain access to real-time delivery events, providing valuable insights into the "who, what, and when" of each delivery.

Moreover, they enjoy a linked record capturing the state, quantities, and quality of the product upon delivery. This information seamlessly integrates with the LOGR record, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate account of every transaction. Experience heightened operational control and enhanced transparency with LOGR's innovative solution for busy delivery sites.

Manage Delivery Process

Stay in the loop with LOGR's live feed of incoming deliveries, tracking them through each stage of the delivery process. This dynamic feature empowers your operation staff to take timely actions, capturing additional details or troubleshooting delivery issues as they arise.

With real-time visibility, you can proactively address any challenges and ensure a smooth and efficient delivery experience. LOGR puts you in control, providing the tools you need to optimise operations and deliver exceptional results at every step.

Weighing with LOGR

At LOGR, we excel in integrating top-tier weighing and volumetric equipment for seamless operations. Our system allows for the automatic identification of drivers and their vehicles on a weighbridge, instantly exchanging information and generating cryptographically signed, trade-approved weighing receipts.

our advanced identity services leverage Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology to recognise license plates and GPS for precise truck association. This ensures that each weighing event is accurately linked to the correct vehicle, streamlining the process and reducing errors.

Our real-time weighing feature allows for live monitoring and remote operation of every weighing event. This capability extends across single or multiple weighbridges on a site, ensuring smooth and efficient operations regardless of the configuration.

With comprehensive coverage, you can manage multiple weighbridges effortlessly, whether they are situated on a single site or spread across various locations. This flexibility enables you to optimise your weighing processes, enhancing overall productivity and accuracy.

Discover more about our cutting-edge weighing solutions on our dedicated Weighing Page.

Access Controls

Gain complete control over site access with LOGR's robust identification system. Utilising a range of methods, including GPS boundaries, Driver and Truck identification, you have the flexibility to define access to specific sites or facilities to ensure that only authorised individuals and vehicles can enter designated areas.

This powerful functionality enables you to maintain strict security measures and exercise precise control over site access and delivery permissions, providing peace of mind and safeguarding your operations.

With LOGR's comprehensive tracking capabilities, you gain valuable insights into every vehicle and driver within the geo-boundary of your site. This invaluable tool allows you to identify and address slow points in your processes while uncovering trends in driver behaviour during deliveries. By keeping drivers informed of this supervision, you can positively influence their efficiency within your site, leading to smoother operations and improved overall performance.

Summary of Multi-site Deliveries

Our multiparty LOGR record simplifies the management and observation of separate delivery sites across different geographical territories.

With a unified interface, you can easily oversee all activities at your sites, eliminating the need for multiple systems or interfaces.

Gain comprehensive visibility, track deliveries, and optimise performance across your entire network.

Queuing / congestion

As soon as a docket is created, a delivery location is selected, providing valuable advance warning of expected traffic levels at this site. This proactive approach enables delivery sites to reach out to suppliers and optimise the flow of goods to their destinations, whether by speeding up or slowing down the flow of deliveries.

Thanks to LOGR's multiparty nature, other network participants can monitor and receive alerts regarding congestion or busyness on specific routes. Empowered with this information, they can take proactive steps to help manage congestion effectively. This includes rearranging cartage assignments, redirecting deliveries to alternative sites, or providing drivers with timely instructions on optimal break times.

During unavoidably busy periods, LOGR's automatic queuing thresholds come into play. Trucks can be directed to designated queuing areas, ensuring fair management of positions in the queue.

Sophisticated algorithms based on waiting time and supply ratios between contractors or suppliers are utilised to maintain efficiency. This ensures that larger supply contracts are not adversely affected by smaller, ad hoc, or seasonal supply.

Quality Assurance and On-site Workflows

Delivery sites often require the qualification or grading of incoming deliveries. With LOGR, You can Investigate with LOGR how you can have a plugin created that allows you to effortlessly capture and manage your quality assurance processes. Eliminate any remaining paper record-keeping and embrace this digital approach, where details are recorded directly within the LOGR system. Whether you have multistage processes spanning over time or specific sampling requirements, our solution enables you to associate them directly with the corresponding dockets or delivered products. Moreover, key information from the docket is automatically populated into your QA assessment records, streamlining the entire workflow.

Furthermore, similar workflows can be designed that address specific needs during the delivery process or when creating outbound loads from your site. We understand that each operation is unique, and our software can be tailored to accommodate your specific requirements. By leveraging our solution, you can enhance efficiency, eliminate manual errors, and have full control over your onsite workflows.

supplementary technologies

At LOGR, we streamline your delivery process by seamlessly integrating advanced sensor and measurement technologies into your workflow. Our system allows you to incorporate data directly into the Delivery Record and eDocket Record, which are then consolidated into the comprehensive LOGR Record for easy access and management.

‍One prime example of our integration capabilities is the LiDAR Volumetric Scanner at the Surrey Hills Chip Mill. Drivers can effortlessly position their trucks and activate the scanner, which accurately measures and records the truck's load volume. This cubic metre measurement is then automatically documented on the delivery docket.

‍To further enhance accuracy, LOGR offers Trip Sensors that assist in the correct positioning of trucks on weighbridges. This ensures reliable and precise weighing results, giving you greater confidence in your delivery data.

Register your interest

To find out more about LOGR, running a trial, our pricing options, and how LOGR might suit your organisation, please fill in the form and we'll get back to you.

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