Complex operations made easy with LOGR

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Before LOGR

Manual Handling
Meaning lengthy reconciliation of multiple sources of truth

After LOGR

Forward Looking
With real-time traceable data delivered to all parties

Before LOGR

It’s My Data!
Separately "owned" information silos meant sharing was hard

After LOGR

Network of Neutrality
All can share adding to the collective value of the data!

Before LOGR

Mind Our Own Business
Protecting one's own interest over welfare of the industry

After LOGR

Accountability is enhanced
Chain of Responsibility becomes easily managed for everyone

Before LOGR

Recording to Keep Honest
Yet multiple manual steps erodes trustworthy data

After LOGR

Trust is Enhanced
Within LOGR data can be traced and referenced

Before LOGR

Misaligned Incentives
For unsafe faster flow and heavier loads

After LOGR

Safety is Increased
Automation helps people stay safe

LOGR eDockets

Your cloud administration tool to define geofenced forestry operations, woodfibre products to be harvested, delivery locations (mills or ports) and other parameters such as operation types, rates, routes, GVM limits and certifications.

You can also assign contractors (Harvest, Loading, Haulage) and set permissions for drivers and configured trucks. Driver-initiated eDockets are accurate, traceable and auditable.

LOGR enhances the chained responsibility of the buyer, supplier and hauler of woodfibre products from point of origin to destination. It does this in real-time by using geofences, GPS tracking, event timestamps, predefined harvest data, driver authentication, customer acceptance and change logs.

LOGR includes additional tools such as stock levels, supply and haulage quotas, and notification of completed deliveries, providing real-time insights and enabling rapid decision making.

LOGR keeps buyers and suppliers synchronised across the supply chain. This is enhanced through pre-delivery load information, geofencing for weighbridges and delivery sites, customer acceptance via QR codes, and ability to receipt digital measurement tickets from LOGR Air connected weighbridges.

Whether via our Restful API or through the use of customisable reporting tools, LOGR allows each stakeholder in the supply chain to securely access eDocket data for financial or audit purposes or to power further business intelligence.

LOGR also provides web portals to contractors and buyers to securely view reports predefined by the supplier. For even greater flexibility this information can be permissioned with business rules for access via LOGR Air.

LOGR keeps buyers and suppliers synchronised across the supply of woodfibre products. This is enhanced through pre-delivery load information, geofencing for weighbridges and delivery sites, customer acceptance via QR codes, and ability to receipt digital measurement tickets from LOGR Air connected weighbridges.


Supply chains are rarely linear. More often they are networks of multiple parties operating within an ecosystem.

The LOGR Air Multi-Party System allows real time creation and retrieval of data by any authorised actor within the ecosystem. This is especially important for connecting the ‘siloed’ information systems owned by each individual party.

While many other areas of the supply chain have become electronic, weighbridges remain a highly manual step in the process. LOGR Air now automates this significant point of interaction with a fully NMI-approved solution.

Drivers present at a weighbridge, are identified, and electronically provided with their accurate weights from a cryptographically signed receipt, without needing to exit their truck. This receipt can be automatically sent by the Air MPS to both buyers and sellers in real-time.

The Delivery system of LOGR Air permits weighbridge operators to interface with the automatic weighing process. Within this system they can audit the results of weighing transactions and troubleshoot any issues that arise. In the majority of setups this system can replace generic weighbridge POS software, or can be used alongside it.

Extended LOGR Air tools include registration of forest practice plans, supply contracts, truck whitelists, pre-delivery notifications, woodchip sampling data (size & dry fibre analysis) records and connection to JAS scaling marshalls.

Hauling for multiple foresters or delivering to many locations?

LOGR continues to improve tools to assist haulage contractors to manage their drivers and trucks, and to access aggregate docket and delivery data through a singular hauler portal.


A weighbridge is an expensive capital item that generally lasts for decades, and replacement is a considerable and costly project. With this in mind LOGR Edge has been created to convert any existing weighbridge into a fully cloud-accessible system.

Edge simply connects to one or more weighing indicators and passes the data to LOGR Air, where the weighing transaction is available to all authorised parties.

In 2022 this LOGR system has won the iAwards for its innovative approach.

LOGR Logyard

Designed in conjunction with Australian forester OneFortyOne, Logyard assists with the tracking and management of wood products in the logyard as delivered sawlogs or as finished goods. With a touch interface depicting actual logyard and storage bays, Grab Drivers and Mill Managers are able to record details of the product and date of storage. Bays can be empty, full, or in the process of loading or unloading.

Connected to LOGR Air, insight into the next delivery allows the Grab Driver to be prepared to receive an inbound truck.

Watch the video on Logyard used at Jubilee Mill >>

LOGR Global Customers


SFM Lenah Estate has been using LOGR now for over 2 years. Lenah Estate carts over 360,000t per year with all dockets being entered into LogR.
We are very pleased with LOGR, reasons being:

  • We no longer have ‘lag time’ tracking tonnes per day carted as we did with paper dockets.
  • No more illegible or lost paper dockets.
  • Easy to use quick references dashboard.
  • Easy reporting.
  • Transferrable data into the finance system.
  • Easy tracking of overloads.
  • Secure in the knowledge of where the logs are originating from and where they are delivered to with the geo-fencing and GPS tracking from the coupes.
  • Robust system with very few ‘crashes’
  • Great support

andrew plank

SFM - Environmental Solutions


“LOGR has really transformed our business. The ability to have real time, accurate and complete information on all deliveries has significantly changed the way we work, leading to improved decision making and better outcomes for our business, for our suppliers and for our contractors.”

David Poel

Supply Chain Coordinator, Green Triangle Forest Products


I can advise LOGR has improved our ability to manage log and chip deliveries and provide real time data and information for all stakeholders in the supply chain. The system is stable out of mobile range in the bush when used correctly and, after three years, it’s hard to remember how we ever worked with paper log dockets.

There have been substantial savings in customer, contractor and Timberlands administration burden. The challenge is to ensure drivers follow and adhere to established LOGR processes and not revert back to paper should they hit a hurdle out in the bush or at a weighbridge.

The addition of LOGR Air has and will further improve accuracy and trust in LOGR data.

Mike Walsh

Timberlands Pacific


Enabled through LOGR have helped move the Reliance Forest Fibre (RFF) business into the modern day. Enabled have been consistently professional and reactive in their dealings, from our first meetings in 2018 to going live in 2020. Enabled ability to propose a business case and ensure deliverables are achieved has ensured a strong relationship between Client and Supplier. RFF would be happy to recommend Enabled and in particular their LOGR systems to any prospective client looking to improve and connect their business into the modern day through the Internet of things. Moving from paper dockets to electronic dockets within LOGR has provided RFF with immediate measurable and unmeasurable benefits within our business:

  • Savings in processing time.
  • Live reporting of delivery volumes.
  • Vehicle tracing for stakeholder management.
  • Chain of Responsibility Management.
  • Easy to use app for drivers.
  • Web based platform - is easy to master.
  • Connecting systems through API.

Heath Blair

Reliance Forest Fibre

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